Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Major causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is a kind of disorder in which the nerves from the brain & spinal cord that are connected with the peripheral nervous system gets damaged or starts disrupting the natural functioning of the nerves. In today’s fast moving lifestyle, a large number of the population is getting affected with this kind of disorder, which is more common among the elder persons.

However, the initial symptoms may not be identified, but when once it is identified, then one can easily find out its actual cause, which could further help in its better treatment. Therefore, following are some major nerve damage causes that can lead one to suffer  peripheral neuropathy disorder:

 1.Chronic diseases, like kidney disorders, hypothyroidism, chronic inflammation, and deficiency of    vitamins, etc. can cause nerve damage;

 2.Physical injury or trauma is another major cause that can lead one to suffer with this disorder

  3.Excessive consumption of alcohol and other illegal drugs for a prolonged time period can also lead one to go through from the one of the causes of nerve damage;

 4. Infections & autoimmune diseases can also become a cause of peripheral neuropathy disorder, leaving the person with burning sensation & numbness like feelings;

 5. Sometimes, certain medication can also lead people to experience the symptoms of this disorder.

Today, a large number of health centers have been established that offer a complete range of treatments for this disorder, helping the patients to live a healthy life once again. So, for further assistance, start searching the web & get connected with the expert near you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Causes And Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy Pains

PeripheralNeuropathy Causes, due to which the nerves of the feet or legs do not function properly, and this is either because of a generic phrase denoting functional or pathological changes in peripheral nerves. In general, it is a kind of medical condition, which is commonly faced by elderly people in their older years, when their bones & nerves become weak.

Today, a large number of people are getting affected with this condition, and the rate is growing rapidly, as the patient is not noticing it or they simply ignore little numbness or burning sensations. As well, the lack of knowledge and awareness about this disease lead individuals to face severe issues on later stages.
However, the actual cause of this condition is yet to be identifies. But, following are some of the peripheral neuropathy causes that are identified in the recent studies. Let’s have a look:

  •  The most common cause of this condition is Systematic Diseases, such as diabetes or leprosy, which strongly impact the entire body, making individual weak;
  •  Fibromyalgia
  • Vitamin Deficiency in older age is counted as the another cause for these pains;
  • Medication Side-effects, like chemotherapy, which leads to burning sensations, baldness & more, are counted as one of the various causes;
  • Traumatic Injuries and Radiation Therapy, where a particular medical condition is being treated through various radiations;
  • Another major cause is the excessive consumption of liquor, which starts damaging the various organs, affecting the nerves and veins as well;
  •  And, last but not the least are Genetic issues, which are caused in the individuals by their birth.
Further, the all above mentioned causes can show two types of conditions, the first one where the person face chronic neuropathy pains, which is a long term condition that progress slowly, and the second one where the pains are acute, which happen sudden & progress rapidly.

Now, following are some commonly known symptoms of a neuropathy pain, which in general are experienced by the patients. Let’s have a look as below:
  • Feeling of numbness in feet or legs 
  • Sudden itching and burning sensations in legs 
  • A feel of tingling, pain and pins-and-needles are commonly experienced symptom
  • Apart from these, some patients experience tiredness, weakness, heaviness, and gait abnormalities 
  • And, other symptoms include muscle pain, cramps and autonomic dysfunction.
Today, a large number of health centers and medical clinics are available that offer the best peripheral neuropathy treatments, using natural remedies and medicines with best health results. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then there is a probability that you are affected by any kind of a nerve disorder. So, waste no time, and get your issues treated on time to live a healthy & fit life.